Enter your postcode below to see if you are in the practice’s catchment area. We are sorry if you are outside the area it means we cant register you, but you can find further information here about where you may be able to register.
Catchment Area
We are only obliged, under NHS regulations, to accept patients that live within the practice’s geographical area.
To register at our practice please speak to the receptionists who can guide you on the process. Prospective patients will be given a ‘pack’ which consists of a form to complete for NHS purposes (if they do not have a NHS medical card), a questionnaire and a practice leaflet.
We ask all new patients to complete our online registration form. You will also need your NHS Number.
You will be offered an appointment to be seen for a ‘New Patient Registration Health Check’ by one of the practice nurses or healthcare assistant before your record is passed on to one of the GPs. If it is felt that you may be better served by another practice, you will be advised accordingly.
If you have stated a preference for a specific doctor, we will try our best to oblige, although this may not always be possible at times of holidays.
To register for online services you must be over 18 years of age and will need to sign a consent form found below:
You will also be required to bring two forms of ID into the surgery – one with a photo and one with your current address.
Acceptable forms of Identification
- Photo ID or birth certificate
- Proof of address – this can be a utility bill or bank statement showing your registered address
Please bring these with you when visiting for the surgery for the first time so we can verify who you are