Vaccinations are done by our practice nurses, and you will receive postal invitations to remind you which injections are due, and when they are due. Child health surveillance services are provided by the surgery.
Baby clinics are now held at Health Centres:
- Halliwell Health Centre Tuesdays – 13.30 – 15.30
- SureStart (on Shepherd Cross Street) – Mondays 13.00 – 15.00 for baby weighing and general advice
- UCAN Centre on Hatfield Road – Drop-in Clinic on Fridays 12.30 – 13.30, for advice only.
Appointments are not necessary for seeing the health visitors at these clinics.
The Health Visitors are based at the UCAN Centre (tel 01204-337890).
Please do not hesitate to contact them for timings of clinics at other Health Centres, and any other advice.